What is aces?"Embracing solidarity: We care, dare and share!“Project ideaAims of the project

What is aces?

ACES is a Central and South Eastern European network of schools offering support to cross-border school partnership projects and aiming at the promotion of intercultural dialogue and cooperation of young people and teachers in the participating countries. The network comprises 15 partner countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic and Slovenia.

"Embracing solidarity: We care, dare and share!“

All humans are equal, but not all have equal opportunities. aces aims for a society in which people care about each other, not only themselves or their kin, a place where people not only claim their rights but also see the responsibility they have for the wellbeing of all. It is in this spirit that they undertake initiatives for and together with those whose voices often aren't heard. We believe that solidarity is of upmost importance and one of the core values for social cohesion and a more sustainable world.

Project idea

The project aims at raising participants’ volunteering knowledge and gaining new experiences on volunteering in their communities as an innovative way of acquiring solidarity. This project is focused on discovering means of using volunteering as a motivator and way to increase awareness of social and environmental responsibility as well as to enhance solidarity with the less privileged people in our societies.

Aims of the project

Students will: increase solidarity by acquiring awareness of social responsibility necessity; respect for the less privileged; gain experience in volunteering; enhance confidence and creativity of students by actively participating in voluntary projects; improve teamwork, ICT, English and German communicative skills, intercultural understanding and tolerance.

A non formal meeting with volunteers from 5 different NGOs in Arges county – Romania

As set in the project programme, the team of “CAN and HELP” decided to organize a meeting with representatives from various non-governmental organizations at the Zinca Golescu high school in order to discover more information about each NGO, their aim, activity, target group and volunteers’ personal experience. Thus, the project team invited 5 volunteers from […]

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